Raleigh Festival Weekend 26 and 27 June 2010

Saturday and Sunday 26 and 27 June

Saturday 26 June only

* Official Opening by Judi Spiers famous for her much-loved Radio Devon programme at

12 midday in the Village Hall East Budleigh

* Drakes School open 10.00 am-3.00 pm
Exhibition of children’s work including a potato modelling competition
Treasure Hunt for all the family Tickets £1.50.

* Concert by the Courteney Players 7.00 pm in All Saints Church.
Tickets £5.00 available from East Budleigh Shop, the Garage and at the door

Saturday 26 June and Sunday 27th June
* Village Hall 10.30 am - 5.00 pm
Refreshments: Coffees 10.30 am - 12 midday
Light lunches 12.30 - 2.00 pm – Saturday only
Cream Teas 2.30 - 4.00 pm

Raffle will be drawn at 4.00 pm

Demonstration of Scottish Dancing
Saturday 4.00-4.30pm

Playford Dancing – Sunday 4.00–4.30 pm

Stalls: Plants, Books, Cakes, Village souvenirs

* All Saints Church open all weekend for visits to see an exhibition of old and rare books, WI events books and knitting by the Square Circle Knitting Group.
* Salem Chapel open featuring an Elizabethan Exhibition
* Guided tours of East Budleigh - £1.00 donation. Leaving Village Hall at 11.00 am, 2.00 pm and 3.30 pm, visiting some of the sites connected with the Raleigh family

* Duck Race 3.00 pm starting at the Toll Bridge
Select your Duck at the Village Shop, The Garage or on the day at the village hall.
£1.00 per Duck

* Church Bell Tower open to visitors from 2.00 - 5.00 pm.
Bring your camera – there is a wonderful view from the top. £1.00
Taster sessions of bell-ringing from 5.00 - 6.00 pm for over 16s

* Community Shop open both days until 6.00pm

Sunday 27th June only

* School Grounds open

* Songs of Praise 6.30pm in All Saints Church East Budleigh
Everybody Welcome


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