Stem cells in medicine: scientific, ethical and economic issues

Following the success of last year's event which saw invited experts discussing the subject of Climate Change and Global Warming the second Science Forum will be on the theme of Stem Cells in Medicine. The event on Friday 4 February 2011 in the Public Hall is being organised by the Budleigh Salterton Festival Trust.

The forum programme begins with delegate registration at 9.30 am for a 10.00 am start.

Dr Lesley Chow, from Imperial College, London, will explain the biology of different stem cell types and describes progress in using them in medicine.

Dr Christine Hauskeller, from Exeter University, will discuss the ethical, legal and social attitudes to stem cell research as they vary across the world.

After lunch Dr Tim Allsopp, from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, will describe the opportunities for the pharmaceutical industry arising from stem cell technology

A panel of speakers chaired by Prof Peter Revell will then take questions from delegates and will discuss “Stem cell research is a benefit for our society and its commercial exploitation of real value.”

The day ends at 5.00 pm. Complimentary coffee or tea will be available during the intervals and during the break for lunch and delegates may purchase fish and chips if they wish.

A seat at the full day forum costs £10. Tickets are available from the Tourist Information Centre in Fore Street, Budleigh Salterton. Telephone 01395 445275
For some background information on stem cells by Prof Peter Revell, click on

Prof Revell is Emeritus Professor at University College London. Formerly Professor of Histopathology at the Royal Free and University College Medical School, he is a past President of the European Society of Biomaterials. Prof Revell is a Fellow both of The Royal College of Pathologists and the International Union of Societies for Biomaterials Science and Engineering.


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