If you thought the Chilean miners had a hard time...

Pictured emerging from their ice cave on 24 September 1912 are Commander Levick, second from right, and his five companions
Photo credit: The Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge
Katherine Lambert will tell the story of how a former Budleigh Salterton resident together with five fellow-explorers from Scott’s doomed 1910-13 expedition survived the seven-month ordeal of a pitch-dark Antarctic winter.
Huddled in a cramped ice cave, they survived on a diet of meat and blubber and a unique brand of resilience and comradeship.
The author will be talking to the Friends of Fairlynch Museum about her book Hell with a capital H, based on the diaries kept by Surgeon Commander George Murray Levick, the group's doctor.
He settled in Budleigh Salterton after an eventful life which included serving in World War I, pioneering medical treatments for the disabled, founding the British Schools Exploring Society and giving lessons in survival techniques to commandos in World War II.
Commander Levick's life and achievements will be the subject of a fascinating exhibition at Fairlynch Museum starting on 10 April.

Katherine Lambert's talk is on Monday 21 February, at 7.30 pm in the Peter Hall, Budleigh Salterton. Copies of her book signed by the author will be available. Entry is £1 for Friends of Fairlynch, £2 for non-members.
Katherine Lambert has worked as an author, journalist and book editor. She is joint editor of The Good Gardens Guide 2010-2011, published by Reader’s Digest. She also worked with author Peter King on the book Scott's Last Journey. She is currently writing a book on Cornish gardens, which will be published by Frances Lincoln in 2012.
The Friends of Fairlynch support and fund-raise for Fairlynch Museum. Annual membership offers unlimited free entrance to the Museum during opening hours, three newsletters annually giving information about the Museum, and a programme of winter talks at a reduced entrance price.
New members, at an annual subscription of £10 per member, are most welcome. Please contact Alexis Zane on 01395 443437.
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