Online news from Budleigh's own cinema

A still from 'The Ghost', the political thriller directed by Roman Polanski. The film is one of nine films being shown by Budleigh Film Society between this September and April 2012

Budleigh Salterton Film Society tell me that they have a new website. And indeed they have. A smart affair designed by local firm Otter.IT to match the very smart choice of films that they're offering for the 2011-12 season.

Since it started three years ago Budleigh's own home-grown cinema has proved a massive hit, with membership soaring to nearly 400 within 18 months of the venture being discussed by a small group of film enthusiasts.

The Town Council's purchase earlier this year of new more comfortable seats for the Public Hall will have helped to make it a more attractive venue for the Society but it's what the Society screens that is the real draw.

"Choosing our programme is an annual and ongoing challenge," the Society's chairman Stuart Yerrell told me.

"Our guiding principle is that our films must be 'quality world cinema', and not the sort of thing you can see at the local commercial cinemas - the Picturehouse at Exeter being an honourable exception.

Committee members keep a watchful eye on new releases, and we go to regional and national screenings organised by the SW region of the British Federation of Film Societies. And of course there are always the cinema classics, although these have proved less popular than we initially thought."

Click on to see the 2011-12 programme of films and a description of each one, along with details about how to join the Film Society.


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