Do you have a digital reputation?

Click on any search engine like Google and you'll discover pretty soon if people are talking about you or your business.

A recent Twitter comment about us - "Wow never knew this museum existed. Can't wait to visit!" - is good to read in a way from our Museum's point of view, but of course the implication is that not enough people have been talking about Fairlynch.

So the comprehensive and top-quality talk delivered by Cosmic's Kate Doodson, on 20 June 2012 was all about enhancing one's digital reputation so that visitors and customers are drawn to your website. 

Hopefully they will then buy your products, use your services, or, in our case come to admire our museum and its wonderful collections.

Organised by Budleigh in Business, the talk in the splendid setting of the Oak Barn at Budleigh Salterton's Riding School proved really useful for local traders who had come to learn how to cope with the challenges posed by the internet in today's modern marketplace.

"Your digital reputation can be made or lost in a few minutes, with only 140 characters," said Kate, pictured above.

So what happens when it goes wrong and you're losing rather than gaining customers or visitors? The answer: keep calm and don't panic. Acknowledge, investigate and respond. Seize control.

But first of all, find out if you do actually have a digital reputation by careful monitoring of what's being posted about your business on the internet. Kate Doodson's talk gave all the answers on how to do this.

For Budleigh businesses, as for any others in small towns like ours, it's vital if one is to succeed in today's fast-moving competitive online world.

Click on  and  to read more.


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