Museum welcomes guests at Preview Evening

Friends of Fairlynch and many other supporters of the Museum enjoyed the opportunity of seeing the new season’s displays during our evening opening on 3 April.
Many local Councillors attended the event. Left to right are Cllrs Alan Dent and Caz Sismore-Hunt, together with Alan Tilbury (President of Budleigh Salterton Chamber of Commerce).

The theme of the 2014 Costume Exhibition is ‘Fashion in the 1920s’, illustrated by this display of a dress shop interior. 

Included in the Lace Room display are items made by a former Fairlynch lacemaker, recently donated to the Museum by her niece who lives in the USA.

Also in the Costume Room is a display of dolls and toys entitled  ‘Hidden Treasures.’

L-r: Lynn Cook, Bernard Hadley, Christine Bailey, Margaret Williams and Martyn Brown.

L-r. Iris Ansell, Laurence Scullion and Dr James Scullion. Previously involved with the Bowes Museum, Durham, Laurence is helping the Fairlynch costume department with restoration work. 


Budleigh Salterton Mayor Steve Hall is seen with Fairlynch Local History Group member Sheila Jelley. The LHG, consisting of Margaret Brett, John Hedderly and Glenn Sismore-Hunt, have been hard at work staging the ‘Great War at Fairlynch' Exhibition.

Detailed research for the Exhibition has been carried out on local residents of the Lower Otter Valley who were involved with the 1914-18 World Conflict. 

The 'Great War at Fairlynch' has benefited from a substantial grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.   

 Also at the Preview Evening were Fairlynch Chairman Roger Sherriff, left, and Museum Secretary Michael Downes

Seen here (l-r) are Edward MacMullen, Angie Wilkinson and Mary MacMullen in the recently refurbished section of the Museum used for displays of Archaeology and Geology, formerly known as the Environment Room.  Mr MacMullen is the son of Fairlynch Museum’s late President Priscilla Hull. The Room has been renamed in her honour as well as a tribute to her father, local archaeologist George Carter.

The south wall of the Priscilla Carter Room, much admired by guests, was designed by the Bristol-based firm of Smith and Jones Design Consultants 
Click on the image to see the whole wall.

The 2014 exhibitions close on 30 September. Opening hours are 2.00-4.30 pm Tuesday to Sunday. Admission is free.


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