Some 2015 events involving Fairlynch Museum
Make a note in the diary of the following events taking place during 2015 at your local museum. Saturday 4 April Spring Opening Fairlynch garden. 12.30-4.30pm Plant Sale, hot homemade soup stall, tombola, under 10s treasure hunt. Storyteller Steve Manning will perform as Sir Walter Ralegh. Will you be the lucky lady that he'll lay down his cloak for? Just some of the plants on offer at bargain prices: Ajuga reptans, otherwise known as 'Bugle.' A useful grand cover plant with pretty blue flowers. Can be a bit invasive, but easy to grow. Iris ensata, otherwise known as 'Japanese Iris.' Hardy and easy to grow. Pretty white flowers with that splash of blue. Very reliable. Wednesday 29 April Friends of Fairlynch AGM Peter Hall. 3.00-5.00pm Tea and cakes, cake & wine raffle, information board display, talk by Mag...