‘Naked Ladies’ to appear at Museum plant event

 The trumpet-like flowers of Amaryllis belladonna

Costumed ladies and the occasional besuited gentleman are usually what people come to admire at Fairlynch. But on Saturday 4 April the museum’s opening event will offer visitors plenty of outdoor interest in addition to a range of displays in the exhibition rooms. And just in case the weather is unkind, Fairlynch now has its own marquee!
Hot homemade soup will be available, and there will be a treasure hunt and a tombola. For keen gardeners the Museum has organised a plant sale which will include specimens of one of the late summer flowering glories of Fairlynch garden as well as many other popular varieties.

Amaryllis belladonna – known by many as the ‘Naked Lady’ plant – is one of the items which are certain to be sought after, with their pink trumpet-like flowers.


Amaryllis about to flower with its 'naked' stalks in Fairlynch garden 

“They are a bit tender and do well really only south of Bristol,” says Fairlynch volunteer gardener Ann Hurt. “They do better in the ground than in pots.” The common name ‘Naked Lady’ comes from the plant’s pattern of flowering when the foliage has died down. 

Some of the other plants on offer are listed below.* 

 Visitors will also be entertained by a Sir Walter Ralegh lookalike in the person of professional storyteller Steve Manning. This will tie in with the opening of the Museum’s new exhibition about East Devon’s best known historical figure.     

Fairlynch Museum will re-open for the new season on Friday 3 April with in addition a display of costumes on the theme of ‘Fashion in the 1930s.’ A new Lace Room will show off special items including rare East Devon and Flemish lace, and the display ‘Past Times’ will feature some of the toys in the Museum’s collection. 

The refurbished Priscilla Carter Room houses geological and archaeological artefacts. The much acclaimed exhibition of ‘The Great War at Fairlynch’ will continue for a second year.  

Admission to Fairlynch is free. The Museum is open from Monday to Saturday from 2.00-4.30 pm until 27 September. 

* Ajuga reptans ('Bugle')
Aster 'Red Ribbon' (Thompson & Morgan) Half-hardy annual
Buddleia Davidii x 1
Helianthus (Sunflower – ‘Little Leo’)
Iris ensata ('Japanese Iris')
Iris unguicularis (‘Algerian Iris’)
Pansy (Thompson & Morgan 'Colossal Flowered') Hardy perennial
Broad bean plants – ‘Aguadulce’
Courgette – ‘Verte de Milan’
Nasturtium – ‘Jewel Mixed’ and ‘Summer Carousel’
Pea – Meteor
Tomato plants – ‘Gardener's Delight’  



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