Living in the age of the cybersnap


Doing my bit for a museum in cyberspace

We used to be told that the computer would lead to a paperless society. I wish…!

Heading our Fairlynch Local History Group as I agreed to do some weeks ago, I now find extra paperwork in my mailbox at the museum. Some of this consists of green forms completed by visitors who seek information or indeed offer information which could help in updating our records.

The Museum has in the past provided photocopies of photographs requested by visitors who complete the form leaving their address a fee with a steward.

Noting that two of the recent forms included an email address I thought I’d save a bit of time and some trees by suggesting to the people concerned that they might prefer a photo – a jpeg or ‘cybersnap’ as I call it.

Hi Michael” came back the reply within a few minutes.  “That would be perfect. Thanks.  Best wishes  B. Sent from my iPad.”  A hour or so later, after some rummaging in the archives, job done!  Four decent-res snaps sent off to a delighted B who emails: “Thank you Michael.  I have them safely on my laptop and I can print them any size I like now.”  

Mrs A. was just as pleased when I sent her a picture she wanted: a digital version rather than a photocopy. “Thanks so much for going to the trouble of finding this photo and sending it on.  It is very interesting to see how the house was compared to how it looks now. I have a large format printer so I shall print this off and frame it.”

Technology’s great when it works.      


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