Vote for local art!

Towards Colaton Raleigh by Laura Boyd 

Colaton Raleigh’s Village Art Group, which includes Friend of Fairlynch Rowan Turnbull among its members, has been shortlisted by the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in a competition for the prestigious annual Echo Local Art Show this summer.

The exhibition is run by the Exeter Express & Echo and this year’s competition is being run on a botanical theme.

‘We entered because, although small, we are quite strong on the flower painting front and think we could put on a really good exhibition,’ says Rowan. ‘Penny Silverthorne and Laura Boyd in particular are exceptional artists and deserve a wider audience. Let's hope we get a chance.’

Rowan describes her own art training as ‘ad hoc, informal and life-long’. Inspired originally by the colours and landscape of her native Cumbria she has embraced Devon scenery and splashes away in watercolours, acrylics and mixed media, painting flowers and local impressions. ‘Making art really obliges the artist to see rather than just look at the subject matter, and that is what I most enjoy,’ she says.

To help the group win Express & Echo readers are being urged to complete entry forms, which will be in the paper each Thursday during March, and vote for the Colaton Raleigh artists.

All votes must be sent to the Express & Echo and received by noon on Thursday 31 March. Only original coupons, taken from the newspaper, will be accepted. The winning group will be announced on April 7.


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