What are museums for?
This area is reasonably
well provided with museums, which is only right for such an interesting and
historic part of Devon. They all have their special appeal. Some are
luckier than others in that they are financially well endowed; others will tell
you that they operate on a shoestring budget.
But what are they for?
That’s the question that Friend of Fairlynch and museum enthusiast Mike Wilson
will be trying to answer in a talk he’s giving to the Woodbury Local History
Society on Thursday 5 May 2016 at 7.30 pm in Woodbury Village Hall.
Mike and his wife Margaret
have been involved in preparing exhibitions at both Topsham and Fairlynch
Museums, and spend a fair bit of time in retirement visiting places all over
the world, including museums of course. Always happy to ruffle a few
feathers, Mike enjoys speaking his mind on a wide range of issues. It promises
to be a thought-provoking evening.
charge: £4 for non-members.
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