Fine detail on the Fishermen





An update from the studio of Budleigh artist John Washington which will be of special interest both to British Devonians with links to East Budleigh and American residents of Gloucester, Massachusetts. 

John is continuing to work on his painting of the celebrated 1625 scene at Fishermen’s Field. That was when Roger Conant intervened and avoided possible bloodshed in the confrontation between fishermen from England’s West Country, led by John Hewes, and Captain Miles Standish, military adviser to the Plymouth Pilgrims:

'I thought you might like to see the fishermen who now have their characters more clearly identified in their faces,' he writes.  'Also, I’ve brought more detail into Tablet Rock at the back as that is such a well known landmark in the context of the story.'

'Next on the left hand side of the painting is to work on the hogshead salt barrels to bring them into line with the rest of the painting - more paint, more colour, more depth.'

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