Time for 2010 PACT survey in East Budleigh
Those issues have been or are being tackled by the Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) reports PCSO Maguire.
After the long hard winter he feels it's time to repeat the 'Your Neighbourhood, Your Voice' survey as part of the East Budleigh Partners And Communities Together (PACT) scheme serving the village.
"Now is the time to conduct a new survey to ascertain if the current areas of concern are still valid and to highlight any new ones," he says.
East Budleigh residents can take part in the survey by either completing and posting the PACT postcards in the post-box found inside the village information point, at the village hall, or by speaking with PCSO Maguire at the next scheduled police surgery on 22 April 22, 10.00 am - 11.00 am, at the information point. Or they can call police HQ on 08452 777 444 to request a home visit from PCSO Maguire.
Alternatively, he says, "Simply stop me whilst I am on patrol - I am the one who rides a police bicycle!"
A new initiative for village policing in the Budleigh area has been launched by PCSO Maguire with a tie-in with the Mobile Library Service. "Our first Policing Surgery on board the MLS bus will take place on 20 April at 11.00 am at Otterton Green."
Sadly we will soon be saying farewell to PCSO Maguire, pictured above in Budleigh's High Street. "My stint as the PCSO for Budleigh Salterton is coming to an end early next month as my colleague Chantelle Major returns from maternity leave."
The next policing surgery for Budleigh Salterton is scheduled for Thursday 6 May 2010 at 10.00 am in the Police Station on Fore Street, next to the Tourist Information Centre.
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